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How Do You Select an Element with Id Demo

Select an Element with Id Demo
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Select an Element With ID Demo

HTML web pages’ visual look and layout depend on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS’s ability to target HTML elements by their “id” property is important. This capability lets developers apply styles or formatting rules to individual HTML components, increasing user experience and design consistency across sections. This article will help you to know how to Select an Element with Id Demo.

Understanding Html IDs

An HTML element’s unique id is specified by the id property. Within the HTML page, the id attribute’s value needs to be distinct. In a style sheet, the id property is used to link to a particular style declaration.

Selecting an Element with ID “demo”:

The id selector, which is the hash symbol # followed by the element’s id, is used to choose an element with a certain id. Here is how you can select an element with the id “demo”:

#demo {
  /* CSS properties go here */}

In the above code, #demo is an id selector. It selects the HTML element with id=”demo”. The CSS properties inside the curly braces {} will be applied to the element with id=”demo”.

For example, if you want to change the color of the text inside the element with id=”demo” to blue, you would write:

#demo {
  color: blue;

This will apply the text color blue to any text inside the HTML element with id=”demo”. Remember, the id of an element should be unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element!

To select elements with a specific id within another specific element, you combine the id selector with other selectors. For example, to select a p element inside an element with id=”demo”, you would write:

#demo p {
  color: blue;

This will apply the text color blue to any p element inside the HTML element with id=”demo”.

What is the difference between iD and class in HTML?

In simple terms, when you’re making a website with HTML, you can use “id” and “class” to name or group elements. Both “id” and “class” help you organize your webpage, but they’re used in different ways. Think of “id” as a unique name tag for a single element, while “class” is like a team name that can be shared by multiple elements.

What is ID?

An id is used to identify a single element in your HTML. Each id should be unique and used only once within a page. It’s often used when one element on the page should have a particular style applied to it.

What is Class?

A class can be used to identify multiple elements. You can apply the same class to multiple elements, and all those elements will share the same style rules.

Here’s an example to illustrate this:

<!-- Using ID -->
<div id="uniqueElement">This is a unique element.</div>

<!-- Using Class -->
<div class="multipleElements">This is the first element with this class.</div>
<div class="multipleElements">This is the second element with this class.</div>

In CSS, you can target these elements like this:

/* Targeting ID */#uniqueElement {
  color: blue;

/* Targeting Class */.multipleElements {
  color: red;

In the above CSS, the element with the id “uniqueElement” will have blue text, while any elements with the class “multipleElements” will have red text. This is the best example of how you can use “id” and “class” in CSS to style different elements on your HTML webpage.

Always remember that “id” is used for a single, unique element, while “class” can be used for multiple elements. Absolutely, you’re spot on! In HTML, both “id” and “class” can be used to style elements. However, “id” has a higher priority. So, if an element has both an “id” and a “class” and there’s a style clash, the style defined for the “id” will win. It’s like the “id” gets the final say in the look of that element. This is a key point to remember when designing web pages.

Conclusion on How Do You Select an Element with Id Demo

The CSS id selector is a powerful instrument that empowers you to craft distinct styles for specific elements on your website. With a proper grasp of its usage, you can significantly improve the aesthetics and structure of your web pages.

Still unsure about how to select an element with id demo using the hash (#) character and the element’s id after that in CSS? Ask your question on EduSeekho and get expert help!

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How Do You Select an Element with Id Demo Article By EduSeekho