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C Program to Calculate Simple Interest and Compound Interest

C Program To Calculate Simple and Compound Interest
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C Program to Calculate Simple Interest and Compound Interest sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? In the world of finance, understanding the concept of interest is crucial. But how about diving deeper and implementing it through a programming language? Yes, you heard it right! 


In this blog post, we will embark on an exciting journey to explore the realm of C programming and finance. We will write a C Program to Calculate Simple Interest and Compound Interest, two fundamental concepts in finance.

So, whether you’re a budding programmer or a finance enthusiast, buckle up for an informative ride that combines coding and financial concepts in a unique way.


C Program To Calculate Simple Interest
C Program To Calculate Simple Interest

Simple Interest

Simple interest, as the name suggests, is the easiest to compute amongst its interest counterparts. It is calculated on the initial principal alone, without considering the additional interest that might accumulate on previous interest.

The formula for simple interest can be succinctly stated as:

S.I = (P * R * T) / 100


  • SI is the Simple Interest
  • P is the Principal amount
  • R is the Rate of interest
  • T is the Time for which the money is involved

C Program To Calculate Simple Interest

Implementing a C program for simple interest is an endeavor that encompasses several stages, each involving its own logical step.

Variable Declarations

The first step is to declare variables to hold the principal, rate, time, and the calculated simple interest.

float principal, rate, time, si;

Input of Principal, Rate, and Time


Using `scanf()`, the program will prompt the user to input the principal, rate, and time.

    printf("Enter the principal: ");
    scanf("%f", &principal);

    printf("Enter the rate: ");
    scanf("%f", &rate);

    printf("Enter the time: ");
    scanf("%f", &time);

Calculation of Simple Interest

The next step is to calculate the simple interest based on the user input.

si = (principal * rate * time) / 100;

Displaying the Result

Finally, the program will print the calculated simple interest.

printf("Simple Interest = Rs. %f", si);

Example and Output

For example, if person start with Rs. 1000 only, the interest rate which is 10% and you leave it for 5 years then the simple interest is Rs. 500.

Simple Interest = Rs. 500.000000
C Program To Calculate Compound Interest
C Program To Calculate Compound Interest

Compound Interest

Compound interest is interest on loan or deposit calculate based on initial principal and also on accumulate interest from previous periods. It hence, has potential to grow at exponential rate, making it double-edge sword in finance scenarios.

The compound interest formula stands as:

CI = p*pow((1+r/100),t)


  • CI is the Compound Interest
  • P is the Principal amount
  • R is the Annual Interest Rate
  • N is the number of times that interest is compounded per year
  • T is the time the money is invested for

C Program To Calculate Compound Interest

Developing a C program for compound interest involves an additional variable for the number of times interest is compounded.

Variable Declarations and Input

When we talk about compound interest calculations, we got four main things to look at. First is the principal, that’s the starting amount of money. Then comes the interest rate, and the time period for which the money is either invested or borrowed. There’s also this thing called compound_frequency.

This is about how many times in a year the interest is calculated and added. This can change the total interest. It can be done once a year, also twice a year, four times a year, or sometimes the every month, based on the terms of the deal.

float principal, rate, time, ci;

int compound_frequency;

Prompting the user to input all the required values:

    printf("Enter the principal: ");
    scanf("%f", &principal);

    printf("Enter the rate: ");
    scanf("%f", &rate);

    printf("Enter the time: ");
    scanf("%f", &time);

    printf("Enter the number of times that interest is compounded per year: ");
    scanf("%d", &compound_frequency);

Calculation of Compound Interest

The calculation of the compound interest now incorporates the compounding frequency into the equation:

ci = principal * pow((1 + rate / (compound_frequency * 100)), (compound_frequency * time)) – principal;

Displaying the Result

The program concludes by printing the calculated compound interest:

printf("Compound Interest = Rs. %f", ci);

Example and Output

For example, with a principal of 1000, a rate of 10%, time of 5 years, and compounded annually, the output will be:

SimpleCompound Interest = Rs. 610.510010
C Program To Find Simple and Compound Interest
C Program To Find Simple and Compound Interest

C Program to Calculate Simple Interest and Compound Interest

Sure, here is a C program that calculates both Simple and Compound Interest:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// Function to calculate Simple Interest
float simple_interest(float p, float r, float t) {
    return (p * r * t) / 100;

// Function to calculate Compound Interest
float compound_interest(float p, float r, float t) {
    return p * pow((1 + r / 100), t);

int main() {
    float p, r, t, si, ci;

    printf("Enter the principal amount: ");
    scanf("%f", &p);

    printf("Enter the rate of interest: ");
    scanf("%f", &r);

    printf("Enter the time in years: ");
    scanf("%f", &t);

    si = simple_interest(p, r, t);
    printf("Simple Interest = Rs. %.2f\n", si);

    ci = compound_interest(p, r, t);
    printf("Compound Interest = Rs. %.2f\n", ci);

    return 0;

This program first calculates the Simple Interest using the simple_interest function and then calculates the Compound Interest using the compound_interest function. The principal amount, rate of interest, and time are input by the user. The calculated Simple and Compound Interests are then printed out.

Comparing Simple and Compound Interest

The fundamental difference between simple and compound interest lies in their calculation methods. Simple interest is linear and straightforward, while compound interest grows exponentially.

Time and frequency significantly impact the final interest amount. Longer timespans and high compounding frequencies can dramatically increase compound interest, yielding much higher returns compared to simple interest.

In real-world applications, simple interest is applicable in scenarios like short-term bank loans, where money is lent for a short period. Meanwhile, compound interest rules long-term investments, particularly the stock market, where money is allowed to grow over time.


Mastering simple and compound interest calculations in C programming is more than just a technical accomplishment; it is a gateway to financial understanding. By crafting these programs, students can deepen their comprehension of financial concepts, and coders can sharpen their skills with a practical and universally relevant exercise.

Now, armed with a deeper understanding of these vital calculations, readers are encouraged to explore the myriad ways in which finance intersects with their personal and professional lives. Give the programs a spin, test them with different values, and witness the profound impact of these seemingly simple financial tools.

Embark on this journey not just to code, but to learn, to explore, and to grow. After all, in the realm of money and machines, the two are intrinsically connected. Embrace the power of this fusion, and let your financial literacy blossom into a formidable asset.

FAQs On C Program to Calculate Simple Interest and Compound Interest

Discover answers to common questions about calculating simple and compound interest in C.

Compound Interest is calculated using the formula: CI = Principal Amount * (1 + Rate of Interest/Number of compounding periods per unit time)^(Number of compounding periods per unit time * Time Period) – Principal Amount.

Simple interest and compound interest are two fundamental concepts in finance. Simple interest is calculated using the formula: SI = (Principal Amount * Rate of Interest * Time Period) / 100. This method involves calculating interest only on the initial amount that was deposited or borrowed.

On the other hand, compound interest is computed using the formula: CI = Principal Amount * (1 + Rate of Interest/Number of compounding periods per unit time)^(Number of compounding periods per unit time * Time Period) – Principal Amount. In contrast to simple interest, compound interest is calculated not only on the initial principal but also on the accumulated interest from previous periods, which can lead to significantly higher total interest over time.

The formula used for calculating Simple Interest in C language is: SI = (Principal Amount * Rate of Interest * Time Period) / 100.

Declaring variables is necessary to store the values of Principal Amount, Rate of Interest, Time Period, and the results of Simple and Compound Interest calculations. The C compiler needs to know the type of data each variable will hold, hence declaration is important.

If you’re getting incorrect results, make sure you’re correctly implementing the compound interest formula, especially the exponent part. Also, check your input values and ensure that they are in correct units (e.g., time is in years, interest rate is in decimal form etc.).

References For C Program to Calculate Simple Interest and Compound Interest

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